

I'm Bethany, or Beth, or B. I will answer to any! I LOVE North Bible. My husband Zane
and I have lived in Scottsdale since 2018 and have been part of the North family since
the first Sunday we attended. Together, we have run the hospitality ministry the past 3
years, and I have been a member of the women's ministry team the past 2 years. 

Zane and I have three beautiful kiddos. Brix (9) is our oldest son, Zoah (7) is our daughter, and our youngest son is Boone (3).  You might hear me refer to them often as my 3 little pigs.  I love spending time with my family, hiking, traveling, diet coke, hats, and hot pink lip gloss. 

I have a Bachelor of Science in Special Education, K-12 th , and worked as a special
education teacher for 6 years and then as a preschool teacher at the Scottsdale School
to allow for more time with my young family. I have also worked as a personal trainer as
well as an executive concierge.

I am honored to be working on staff as the children's director from birth to 5th grade. God has truly moved in my life and has led me to this place in my journey with him. All children are a gift, and I value every part of this role. I love walking alongside families and navigating how to raise kiddos to love Jesus! Feel free to reach out with any