Parent-Child Dedication is a time for parents to publicly commit themselves to raise their children in the instruction and discipline of the Lord; to give opportunities to know God and establish a personal relationship with Christ. It is a time for family and friends to show their support and intention to help these parents with their commitment to their children. There is no “saving grace” attached to this ceremony. It is simply a statement of intent and desire.
Parent-Child Dedication services are scheduled on the third Sunday of each month (although we do try to be flexible for out of town guests) during our Sunday services. Participants need not be church members, but need to be able to answer “yes” to the following questions: Do you acknowledge your child as a gift from God? Do you commit yourself to live a godly life before your child so that he or she will have an example to follow? Do you commit yourself to give your child opportunities to hear the gospel so that he or she might be able to have a personal relationship with Christ? Do you commit yourself to raise your child in the instruction and discipline of the Lord? Those wishing to participate in a dedication service are asked to send an email requesting a date to
Our next Parent Child Dedication:
May 12