Women's Ministry at North Bible is designed to help you connect with other women, and be encouraged and challenged in your faith. We have Bible studies, retreats and special events to equip women of all ages and stages of life to grasp how incredibly loved and accepted they are by God, grow in their relationship with God and others, and use their God-given gifts to impact the lives of others. For more information on any of our women's events you may email northwomen@northbible.com.
Click here to check out our newsletter for ways to get connected at North.
Thursdays, 9:30am-11:00am, child care provided for children B-K
A Closer Look at the Birth Stories of Jesus and John
Thursdays, 9:30am-11:00am, Starting January 16
Join us as Vasanti leads us in viewing the birth stories of Jesus and John through the lens of the Gospels.
There is a $75 fee per family, per semester for child care. If you need childcare, register here.
Third Thursday of the Month, 11:30AM
Join other women for a meal. It's a great way to get to know others and connect. Location varies each month.
RSVP to Dale Neely at 602.320-3995 to let her know you are coming - this helps in reserving the right amount of tables.

Bring your own dinner to North and enjoy being with other women without the hassle of a noisy and crowded restaurant. This is a fun and easy way to meet other women from North - opportunity to have an evening of good conversation and laughter.
RSVP to Breanna Fehl at 724.290.2474.
January 23: Movie - Brave the Dark
March 5: Lysa Terkeurst Trust Again Tour